In all of the years I have been in the home modification industry, the terms used for describing an accessible shower or shower pan have often been misused or misunderstood by the customers we talk to. I have come across words like ADA, Barrier Free, Accessible, Handicap, Disability, Low Entry, Walk In, Wheelchair, Senior, Roll-In, […]
The Americans with Disabilities Act was implemented to regulate and enforce accessibility standards for newly designed and constructed public facilities. It is a set of standards which by-law must be upheld and is directed towards making the country more accessible to those with disabilities. These are the ADA requirements for shower seats. Structural strength In […]
As Canada’s population ages, a majority of seniors are remaining independent and continue to live in their homes. Out of Canada’s almost five million senior population, 92.1 per cent of Canada’s elderly live in private households, whether it’s alone, with a partner or with others, according to the 2011 Census. It’s important to discuss with […]
If you’ve had a discussion with your parents on their future living accommodations and everyone has agreed that you will all share one house together that’s a great first step. But there’s much more work that needs to be done before mom and dad can pack their bags and move into their new home. What […]
As your parents get older, it’s a good idea to discuss their future plans with them. While this conversation may be uncomfortable, it’s important this is talked about before any life changing event occurs. Depending on your parents’ health, there are many options of where they can stay: whether it’s in their own home, they […]
As baby boomers grow older, many families are making decisions on where they parents will live. Some living options include parents staying at home, intergenerational housing where parents move in with their children and grandchildren, or parents moving into a retirement home, supportive housing or a long-term care home. According to the 2011 census, 92.1 […]
Mary-Carrol Potter, a 78 year old Washington resident, is opting to remain in her home rather than accept her children’s offers to put her up. The issue was that her children were spread all across the globe, and she had no interest in uprooting from the village in which she had lived for half a […]
Three days from now marks the end of another UK Disability History Month(UKDHM). UKDHM is an annual event organized to increase awareness regarding how disabled people are viewed and how they have been effected through a historical context. The organization behind Disability History Month informs people how to get involved. Provided are various resources intended […]
Almost everybody can appreciate the value of a good bath. The thought alone of a hot bath conjures up notions of comfort and relaxation. However, for many elderly people with decreasing mobility, the bathtub becomes a liability. To seniors and people with mobility issues, falling is the number one cause of injury, and the bathroom […]
Buying a seat for your shower has both practical and safety benefits. The purpose of this blog post is to help you better understand the value of shower seats, while determining the advantages and disadvantages of your many different options. There exists rectangular bench shower seats, ADA seats which comply with ADA codes, barrier free […]
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